

Our "Think Green" project, which is the Erasmus+ KA210 "Small-Scale Partnerships in School Education Project", will be implemented between 01/03/2022 - 01/03/2024.
The project is carried out under the coordination of Poland with the partnerships of Türkiye and Romania.
The project is carried out under the coordination of Poland with the partnerships of Türkiye and Romania.
The fundamental objective of the venture is to raise students’ mindfulness about ecological issues and improve their insight through imaginative teaching and learning techniques via looking, introducing, encountering, breaking down, delivering, teaming up and conveying. We want to accomplish this principle objective through these goals: • enhancing students’ knowledge and mindfulness about natural issues • motivating students to think widely and in depth and be dynamic • urging students to learn unknown languages with specific emphasis on English and improve their relational abilities in this language • promoting the coordination of new techniques, for example, Personalized and Adaptive Learning, Digital Story Telling, Video-Based Learning, Gamification and Project-Based Learning and allocating them to the partner schools syllabuses so as to improve the quality. • promoting Content and Language Integrated Learning in the field of Environmental Education. • improving key abilities and aptitudes in ICT and computerized equipment. • developing resilience, dynamic citizenship, the capacity to handle social and linguistic barriers • giving a European dynamic to training and schools • improving teachers' knowledge and experience on procedure The goals are clearly connected to the identified needs: • Environmental Education • Promoting the obtaining of aptitudes and skills • Strengthening the profile(s) of the pedagogy These needs were picked for the students who are the genuine proprietors of the future whose essential role it will be to address ecological issues and to have the best abilities and capabilities by encountering these ways of learning. As decided in the preparatory online meetings, each accomplice will pick a particular pedagogical approach to deliver learning on ecological issue(s). As part of the travel between countries, the teachers won't just talk about in detail about whether the methodology is purposeful, viable, accommodating, reasonable, inspiring, efficient and productive; in addition they will explore the pedagogical approach by means of workshops or shared activities with colleges, NGOs and different foundations. Since the students are too young to travel abroad, it is essential that teachers return from such visits with concrete ideas to put in place in their own schools that partner schools have found to be effective and motivational.
The project is carried out under the coordination of Poland with the partnerships of Türkiye and Romania.

Türkiye: Ömerli Galip Öztürk İlkokulu Omerli District / Carsamba / Samsun / TürkiyeWebsite http://omerligalipozturkio.meb.k12.tr/

Romania : GRADINITA CU PROGRAM PRELUNGIT NUMARUL 22 IASI / ROMANIA Website: www.gradinitapp22iasi.webgarden.ro